Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rolled over by yourself today...

You rolled over all by yourself today! Mom put you in your bed on your stomach while she went to do something...when she came back you were all the way to your side. Woohoo!! You are growing and it shows each day. There is a new accomplishment each day! You are just getting so big! You are growing up. :( I am looking forward to when you get a little older and we can play with you a little more...but I don't want you to grow up yet. I guess that is why God didn't leave the growing up to us...but he decides when it is time for us to grow up!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well, I sure haven't kept people very up-to-date on you! I guess that isn't fair to everybody. But haven't done anything extremely abnormal! count being a baby. LOL The other day, though, we got a visit from your little friend: Kendra Arevalo! That was fun. You were asleep when she came so we put her in there with you and she ended up being there their whole visit. At first all ya'lls little brothers and sisters, or should I say Big brothers and sisters (they are little to me), but then they all left and it ended up just you two and me! I love little babies (especially ones that sleep) so I didn't mind at all. In fact I caught up on my bible reading!! I had a good time just watching ya'll (mostly sleep!). I took some pics and decided to put them on here. Pictures are above...because my crazy poster thing is all backwards!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just catching up...

Wow, this coming Friday you will be two months old! Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday that we were all telling Mom,"Can please hurry up and have that baby?" ? It sure feels like it! Of course Mom always told us that she wanted you to come a whole lot more than we wanted you to come. :D I still don't think that we are convinced about that...and you are already here! It is not really important anyways.

Everybody loves Ms. Charity Faith! Many of them can't really say your name they say something like: Charary fate!! :D Oh some of them just say Amoryfe (only those that speak spanish will be able to understand the humor behind that one). Everybody is always wanting to hold you and touch and basically just be around you. That is just what you do, you make everybody want to be around you. I sometimes wonder if it will be the same once you get older. I am sure it will. Hopefully it won't take you as long as it did me to start trying to talk to other people! LOL

One bad thing (or good...depending on how you look at it) about being the youngest is that you are being completely spoiled. We all deny it, "Us?? We would never spoil her. It isn't good for her to be spoiled!!", but we all spoil you just the same. Everytime you whimper we jump up and run to get the baby and keep her from crying!! That is funny! Mom keeps bringing you to the supper table and holding so that you don't cry, "She just wants to be with all of us.". Finally Dad decided that enough was enough and last night he FORBADE us to bring you in here. We were all very disappointed, and much to my chagrin I almost started crying. yes I am exaggerating just a little bit...but I want to be around you!

You just keep amazing us and I am glad that God allowed you to come into our lifes! God is good!! Love ya, girl!

~Big Sis

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your "real" baths!

Not too long ago you got your first "Real" bath! When I say real I mean that it was in a little bucket of water, and not with a rag. You weren't being just wiped down with a rag you were sitting in the water and having it poured over you. I don't know if the water was too cold or if you just had a bad attitude...but you didn't like it!

Yesterday, though, you got your second bath, and it seemed to go WAAY better!! Thank goodness! You were pretty happy! Except for when you threw your head to the side and banged your eye on the rim....then you hollered!! LOL It was just a little funny, though, I have to admit it!! Love you!

~Big Sis


You look real "baby-y" in this picture! I think
it is cute. Whenever you get tired of your
pacifier you always pull it out, that is what you
were doing here!
Looking right at ME!!! (of course) I love you
too, Sweetpea!
Right after your second "real" bath! (explanation
in next post)
You wouldn't take that paci out. This is a pic
I fixed of you! I love it!
These are some pictures that Mawdy took of
you when she was they are a little old!
You are too cute!! Oh and look at that giant flower
half-covering your face. (Were you trying to make
a point, Mom?) :D
I love sepia!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Your feet... :D

Ha...they are soo tiny and perfect. Miniature in size...but huge in detail. It is amazing how exact God is. He creates things big, little, and in all shapes and sizes, but he never forgets any detail. Even those that are born with diseases such as Down Syndrome, he didn't forget any detail...he just made the details different. It is amazing the way God works!! You are AWESOME, God!!

Thinking.... just keep growing!! Why I don't understand (since I want you to stay little :D), but you just keep on growing. The 30th was your technically you are only like 2 days old...or at least your body is! You are finally starting to look a little like a filled out newborn, and it makes me want to cry sometimes. You and me seem to get along pretty well. You like to snuggle...and whenever I am holding you, you are real quiet. Lots of times you even fall asleep. It almost makes me want my own! LOL...In the future of course!! I have always loved kids and this time around I am old enough to appreciate you! I love to hold the kids from church and Sunday School...but it is not the same as holding you! Even though they are beautiful in every way...nothing compares to you! I love you, Charity! I will always love you! Even if you had some incurable disease, or if you were maimed for life, I would still love you! I will always love you, because you are perfect to me!!!