Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your "real" baths!

Not too long ago you got your first "Real" bath! When I say real I mean that it was in a little bucket of water, and not with a rag. You weren't being just wiped down with a rag you were sitting in the water and having it poured over you. I don't know if the water was too cold or if you just had a bad attitude...but you didn't like it!

Yesterday, though, you got your second bath, and it seemed to go WAAY better!! Thank goodness! You were pretty happy! Except for when you threw your head to the side and banged your eye on the rim....then you hollered!! LOL It was just a little funny, though, I have to admit it!! Love you!

~Big Sis

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Lol, she seems to be enjoyign herself a little more in the second bath! Good thing, eh?