Friday, March 5, 2010

Growing up!!! (Both of us)

Wow, you are ever growing! You are ALREADY starting to change, and it is tooo amazing! You are more alert, and love to watch everything with you eyes (that I am really jealous of!!!). I love to show you off to everybody! Me and Mom were talking about you, the other day, and I told her: This is almost like having the first kid over. :D Why? Because everybody oohs and aahs over you, like they have never seen a baby before. Many people have blessed us with stuff for you, and IT'S ALL NEW!!! No more garage-sale blues for you. :D (Not that their is any problem with garage-sale clothes. In fact that is what the rest of us wear...LOL) You have a million of EVERYTHING! Every time you move, we all jump and say: YEAH....she moved!!!! If you were a little older (and/or WHEN you get a little older) you would/will probably laugh at this sillyness! It is pretty funny! But, even though I enjoy you little like you are, I can't help but wonder at all the special time I will miss once I get older and leave home! Will I be here to see you lose your first tooth? Graduate from kindergarten? Have your first crush? Break your first bone :(? All those little things that make life full of memories! Will I be around when you need a Big Sis, or will you be embarrased of me because I am so much older? I hope not! But...hey...why worry NOW? As they say...

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!!!
Love ya,
Big Sis


Anonymous said...

Breaks her first bone? EEK! lol! You must live in a crazy household;)

Big Sis!! said...

YEP!!! I also have a 20 yr old kid...that makes everything worse!! LOL JK